paragraph related to television during the last thirty years

Reading the following paragraph related to television during the last thirty years and learn how built the meaning of this following paragraph.
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Mini conversation related to Vending Machines .

Mini conversation between Ronny and Messi Related to Vending Machines . read and learn from this conversation all the meaning and the right way to do that.

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Mini Conversation about checking out of a Hotel

Mini Conversation between the reciptionest and the guest about checking out of a Hotel . read and learn the good skills in the Following conversation (dialog) .

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Mini conversation about American Names

Mini conversation between Tom and Ali about American Names . It Explain the the simply of Americn Names, and the Form of it . so let's start learn and study the following dialog.

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Mini conversation in a restaurant

Mini Conversation (dialog) between Mr Brown and the waiter in A restaurant . read and learn  the right dialog.
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Mini conversation in the city Getting to The First National Bank

Mini conversation between two person in the street in the united state,
someone visit america to first time, he want go to the national bank.
How did he do?

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Mini conversation about watching television

Mini conversation between two friends Tom and Tomas in the house of Tom, They watching television and eat some corn and enjoy their time.

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